Friday, August 14, 2009

New Moon Trailer 2?

I could have sworn that I heard that another New Moon trailer was coming out today. I looked at YouTube, and found several along with the info that the trailer was going to be at the theatres debuting after some movie, which name escapes me.
Anyway I looked at some of the ones at YouTube which the users say they filmed at the theatre, they are BAD quality. However I found one, and while I don't think it's an official trailer, there WERE more scenes in it than the previous official N.M. trailer and the teaser.

I don't know where the user got this but the quality, was the best I could find. Enjoy!

1 comment:

starfire09 said...

I know from reading the book that Rob is not featured a lot in this movie, and that's depressing. I am really not a big Jacob fan. I resented the relationship between him and Bella in the book, and almost decided to stop reading it. I was SO angry with Stephenie for doing this. But I should have known that Edward was Bella's one true love and not panicked.
Anyway when the movie comes out I will definitely watch, Rob DOES have a few scenes after all...